TPS Drivers Education - Grant Awarded

TPS Drivers Education - Grant Awarded
Posted on 04/18/2024

Ohio Department of Public Safety Director Andy Wilson and Executive Director of the Ohio Traffic Safety Office Emily Davidson have announced $2.5 million in grants aimed at providing driver training scholarships to eligible teenage drivers across Ohio.

The funds are being awarded through the “Drive to Succeed” grant program, which is administered by the Ohio Department of Public Safety’s Ohio Traffic Safety Office (OTSO). The program was developed in 2022 to expand access to teen driver training for low-income Ohio

TPS will receive $133,500 from the “Drive to Succeed” grant funding. Any TPS students who wish to apply can get an application from their school counselor. They must fill out the application, have their parent(s) sign the permission slip, and return those things, WITH a copy of their temporary driver's license, to their counselor.

Read the article from The Toledo Blade.