Clean Your Streams

Clean Your Streams
Posted on 10/02/2023

Toledo Early College students and their families continued the tradition of participating in Clean Your Streams. The event took place on Saturday, September 23rd. Volunteers from all over the area help with cleaning creek and riverbanks. While participating in the clean-up, data
is collected and then submitted to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA then uses that data to lobby the federal government to make restrictions on the type of material that could be harmful to the environment.

97 students and families from TEC were present to help clean up Highland Park and the Libbey High School site in South Toledo. Kickoff Coordinator for the event is teacher Zach Shepler. The site captains were teachers Greg Schrock and Pat Welch. Over 1,100 pounds of trash was collected.. Students at TEC are required to complete service hours and this is one of the school sponsored events they can participate in to help in that endeavor. More information
on Clean Your Streams can be found at