Online Enrollment

When to use the New Student Registration form:

  • You are a new PreSchool or Kindergarten Student who has never attended School before (see eligibility requirements below).
  • You are a new student who has never attended Toledo Public Schools before.
  • You attended TPS in years past, but NOT last year, and are moving back to TPS.

When to use the Returning Student Registration form:

  • You are a Kindergarten student who attended a TPS Preschool last school year.
  • You completed the school year with TPS last year and are enrolling for your next grade level.


To be eligible for TPS preschool you must meet at least one of the following criteria

  • Students currently on an IEP?
  • Family is experiencing homelessness
  • Family receives Public Assistance (TANF, SNAP or Supplemental Security Income)
  • The enrolling child is a Foster Child
  • Families income is below 200% of the Federal Poverty level (Click the income calculator to check your income percentage). 
=> Income Calculator


If you need assistance in reading, understanding, or completing forms or information, the district will provide, upon request, free interpretation and translation services in multiple languages. Contact your school office, or go for further information. 

Si necesita asistencia para leer, comprender o completer el formulario o la información que se adjunta, el distrito proporcionará, si se solicita, servicios de interpretación o traducir gratuitos en varios idiomas. Comuníquese con la oficina de su escuela visite para obtener más información.